Macro System

The macro system allows users to reshape how they perceive their data, without requiring changes to the underlying database structures themselves.

In many real-life situations, the database schema does not fit the user’s mental model of the data. There are many causes of this, the most common one being database normalization. The representation of the data that is convenient for storage within a database is rarely the representation that makes for easy querying. As a result, users’ queries frequently include complex and repetitive query structures that work around the database’s chosen data model.

The compiler’s macro system empowers users reshaping their data’s structure to fit their mental model, minimizing query complexity and repetitiveness without requiring changes to the shape of the data in the underlying data systems. The compiler achieves this by allowing users to define macros – type-safe rules for programmatic query rewriting that transform user-provided queries on the desired data model into queries on the actual data model in the underlying data systems.

When macros are defined, the compiler loads them into a macro registry – a data structure that tracks all currently available macros, the resulting GraphQL schema (accounting for macros), and any additional metadata needed by the compiler. The compiler then leverages this registry to expand queries that rely on macros, rewriting them into equivalent queries that do not contain any macros and therefore reflect the actual underlying data model.

This makes macros somewhat similar to SQL’s idea of non-materialized views, though there are some key differences:

  • SQL views require database access and special permissions; databases are completely oblivious to the use of macros since by the time the database gets the query, all macro uses have been already expanded.
  • Macros can be stored and expanded client-side, so different users that query the same system may define their own personal macros which are not shared with other users or the server that executes the users’ GraphQL queries. This is generally not achievable with SQL.
  • Since macro expansion does not interact in any way with the underlying data system, it works seamlessly with all databases and even on schemas stitched together from multiple databases. In contrast, not all databases support SQL-like VIEW functionality.

Currently, the compiler supports one type of macro: macro edges, which allow the creation of “virtual” edges computed from existing ones. More types of macros are coming in the future.

Macro registry

The macro registry is where the definitions of all currently defined macros are stored, together with the resulting GraphQL schema they form, as well as any associated metadata that the compiler’s macro system may need in order to expand any macros encountered in a query.

To create a macro registry object for a given GraphQL schema, use the create_macro_registry function:

from graphql_compiler.macros import create_macro_registry

macro_registry = create_macro_registry(your_graphql_schema_object)

To retrieve the GraphQL schema object with all its macro-based additions, use the get_schema_with_macros function:

from graphql_compiler.macros import get_schema_with_macros

graphql_schema = get_schema_with_macros(macro_registry)

Schema for defining macros

Macro definitions rely on additional directives that are not normally defined in the schema the GraphQL compiler uses for querying. We intentionally do not include these directives in the schema used for querying, since defining macros and writing queries are different modes of use of the compiler, and we believe that controlling which sets of directives are available in which mode will minimize the potential for user confusion.

The get_schema_for_macro_definition() function is able to transform a querying schema into one that is suitable for defining macros. Getting such a schema may be useful, for example, when setting up a GraphQL editor (such as GraphiQL) to create and edit macros.

Macro edges

Macro edges allow users to define new edges that become part of the GraphQL schema, using existing edges as building blocks. They allow users to define shorthand for common querying operations, encapsulating uses of existing query functionality (e.g., tags, filters, recursion, type coercions, etc.) into a virtual edge with a user-specified name that exists only on a specific GraphQL type (and all its subtypes). Both macro edge definitions and their uses are fully type-checked, ensuring the soundness of both the macro definition and any queries that use it.

Overview and use of macro edges

Let us explain the idea of macro edges through a simple example.

Consider the following query, which returns the list of grandchildren of a given animal:

    Animal {
        name @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["$animal_name"])
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            out_Animal_ParentOf {
                name @output(out_name: "grandchild_name")

If operations on animals’ grandchildren are common in our use case, we may wish that an edge like out_Animal_GrandparentOf had existed and saved us some repetitive typing.

One of our options is to materialize such an edge in the underlying database itself. However, this causes denormalization of the database – there are now two places where an animal’s grandchildren are written down – requiring additional storage space, and introducing potential for user confusion and data inconsistency between the two representations.

Another option is to introduce a non-materialized view within the database that makes it appear that such an edge exists, and query this view via the GraphQL compiler. While this avoids some of the drawbacks of the previous approach, not all databases support non-materialized views. Also, querying users are not always able to add views to the database, and may require additional permissions on the database system.

Macro edges give us the opportunity to define a new out_Animal_GrandparentOf edge without involving the underlying database systems at all. We simply state that such an edge is constructed by composing two out_Animal_ParentOf edges together:

from graphql_compiler.macros import register_macro_edge

macro_edge_definition = '''{
    Animal @macro_edge_definition(name: "out_Animal_GrandparentOf") {
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            out_Animal_ParentOf @macro_edge_target {
macro_edge_args = {}

register_macro_edge(your_macro_registry_object, macro_edge_definition, macro_edge_args)

Let’s dig into the GraphQL macro edge definition one step at a time:

  • We know that the new macro edge is being defined on the Animal GraphQL type, since that is the type where the definition begins.
  • The @macro_edge_definition directive specifies the name of the new macro edge.
  • The newly-defined out_Animal_GrandparentOf edge connects Animal vertices to the vertices reachable after exactly two traversals along out_Animal_ParentOf edges; this is what the @macro_edge_target directive signifies.
  • As the out_Animal_ParentOf field containing the @macro_edge_target directive is of type [Animal] (we know this from our schema), the compiler will automatically infer that the out_Animal_GrandparentOf macro edge also points to vertices of type Animal.
  • The uuid within the inner out_Animal_ParentOf scope is a “pro-forma” field – it is there simply to satisfy the GraphQL parser, since per the GraphQL specification, each pair of curly braces must reference at least one field. The named field has no meaning in this definition, and the user may choose to use any field that exists within that pair of curly braces. The preferred convention for pro-forma fields is to use whichever field represents the primary key of the given type in the underlying database.
  • This macro edge does not take arguments, so we set the macro_edge_args value to an empty dictionary. We will cover macro edges with arguments later.

Having defined this macro edge, we are now able to rewrite our original query into a simpler yet equivalent form:

    Animal {
        name @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["$animal_name"])
        out_Animal_GrandparentOf {
            name @output(out_name: "grandchild_name")

We can now observe the process of macro expansion in action:

from graphql_compiler.macros import get_schema_with_macros, perform_macro_expansion

query = '''{
    Animal {
        name @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["$animal_name"])
        out_Animal_GrandparentOf {
            name @output(out_name: "grandchild_name")
args = {
    'animal_name': 'Hedwig',

schema_with_macros = get_schema_with_macros(macro_registry)
new_query, new_args = perform_macro_expansion(macro_registry, schema_with_macros, query, args)

# Prints out the following query:
# {
#     Animal {
#         name @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["$animal_name"])
#         out_Animal_ParentOf {
#             out_Animal_ParentOf {
#                 name @output(out_name: "grandchild_name")
#             }
#         }
#     }
# }

# Prints out the following arguments:
# {'animal_name': 'Hedwig'}

Advanced macro edges use cases

When defining macro edges, one may freely use other compiler query functionality, such as @recurse, @filter, @tag, and so on. Here is a more complex macro edge definition that relies on such more advanced features to define an edge that connects Animal vertices to their siblings who are both older and have a higher net worth:

from graphql_compiler.macros import register_macro_edge

macro_edge_definition = '''
    Animal @macro_edge_definition(name: "out_Animal_RicherOlderSiblings") {
        net_worth @tag(tag_name: "self_net_worth")
        out_Animal_BornAt {
            event_date @tag(tag_name: "self_birthday")
        in_Animal_ParentOf {
            out_Animal_ParentOf @macro_edge_target {
                net_worth @filter(op_name: ">", value: ["%self_net_worth"])
                out_Animal_BornAt {
                    event_date @filter(op_name: "<", value: ["%self_birthday"])
macro_edge_args = {}

register_macro_edge(your_macro_registry_object, macro_edge_definition, macro_edge_args)

Similarly, macro edge definitions are also able to use runtime parameters in their @filter directives, by simply including the runtime parameters needed by the macro edge in the call to register_macro_edge(). The following example defines a macro edge connecting Animal vertices to their grandchildren that go by the name of “Nate”.

macro_edge_definition = '''
    Animal @macro_edge_definition(name: "out_Animal_GrandchildrenCalledNate") {
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            out_Animal_ParentOf @filter(op_name: "name_or_alias", value: ["$nate_name"])
                                @macro_edge_target {
macro_edge_args = {
    'nate_name': 'Nate',

register_macro_edge(your_macro_registry_object, macro_edge_definition, macro_edge_args)

When a GraphQL query uses this macro edge, the perform_macro_expansion() function will automatically ensure that the macro edge’s arguments become part of the expanded query’s arguments:

query = '''{
    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        out_Animal_GrandchildrenCalledNate {
            uuid @output(out_name: "grandchild_id")
args = {}
schema_with_macros = get_schema_with_macros(macro_registry)
expanded_query, new_args = perform_macro_expansion(
      macro_registry, schema_with_macros, query, args)

# Prints out the following query:
# {
#     Animal {
#         name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
#         out_Animal_ParentOf {
#             out_Animal_ParentOf @filter(op_name: "name_or_alias", value: ["$nate_name"]) {
#                 uuid @output(out_name: "grandchild_id")
#             }
#         }
#     }
# }

# Prints out the following arguments:
# {'nate_name': 'Nate'}

Constraints and rules for macro edge definitions

  • Macro edge definitions cannot use other macros as part of their definition.
  • A macro definition contains exactly one @macro_edge_definition and one @macro_edge_target directive. These directives can only be used within macro edge definitions.
  • The @macro_edge_target cannot be at or within a scope marked @fold or @optional.
  • The scope marked @macro_edge_target cannot immediately contain a type coercion. Instead, place the @macro_edge_target directive at the type coercion itself instead of on its enclosing scope.
  • Macros edge definitions cannot contain uses of @output or @output_source.

Constraints and rules for macro edge usage

  • The @optional and @recurse directives cannot be used on macro edges.
  • During the process of macro edge expansion, any directives applied on the vertex field belonging to the macro edge are applied to the vertex field marked with @macro_edge_target in the macro edge’s definition.

In the future, we hope to add support for using @optional on macro edges. We have opened a GitHub issue to track this effort, and we welcome contributions!