Schema Graph

When building a GraphQL schema from the database metadata, we first build a SchemaGraph from the metadata and then, from the SchemaGraph, build the GraphQL schema. The SchemaGraph is also a representation of the underlying database schema, but it has three main advantages that make it a more powerful schema introspection tool:

  1. It’s able to store and expose a schema’s index information. The interface for accessing index information is provisional though and might change in the near future.
  2. Its classes are allowed to inherit from non-abstract classes.
  3. It exposes many utility functions, such as get_subclass_set, that make it easier to explore the schema.

See below for a mock example of how to build and use the SchemaGraph:

from graphql_compiler.schema_generation.orientdb.schema_graph_builder import (
from graphql_compiler.schema_generation.orientdb.utils import (

# Get schema metadata from hypothetical Animals database.
client = your_function_that_returns_a_pyorient_client()
schema_records = client.command(ORIENTDB_SCHEMA_RECORDS_QUERY)
schema_data = [record.oRecordData for record in schema_records]

# Get index data.
index_records = client.command(ORIENTDB_INDEX_RECORDS_QUERY)
index_query_data = [record.oRecordData for record in index_records]

# Build SchemaGraph.
schema_graph = get_orientdb_schema_graph(schema_data, index_query_data)

# Get all the subclasses of a class.
# {'Animal', 'Dog'}

# Get all the outgoing edge classes of a vertex class.
# {'Animal_Eats', 'Animal_FedAt', 'Animal_LivesIn'}

# Get the vertex classes allowed as the destination vertex of an edge class.
# {'Fruit', 'Food'}

# Get the superclass of all classes allowed as the destination vertex of an edge class.
# Food

# Get the unique indexes defined on a class.
# [IndexDefinition(name='uuid', 'base_classname'='Animal', fields={'uuid'}, unique=True, ordered=False, ignore_nulls=False)]

We currently support SchemaGraph auto-generation for both OrientDB and SQL database backends. In the future, we plan to add a mechanism where one can query a SchemaGraph using GraphQL queries.