Query Directives


Without this directive, when a query includes a vertex field, any results matching that query must be able to produce a value for that vertex field. Applied to a vertex field, this directive prevents result sets that are unable to produce a value for that field from being discarded, and allowed to continue processing the remainder of the query.

Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "name")
        out_Animal_ParentOf @optional {
            name @output(out_name: "child_name")

For each Animal:

  • if it is a parent of another animal, at least one row containing the parent and child animal’s names, in the name and child_name columns respectively;
  • if it is not a parent of another animal, a row with its name in the name column, and a null value in the child_name column.

Constraints and Rules

  • @optional can only be applied to vertex fields, except the root vertex field.
  • It is allowed to expand vertex fields within an @optional scope. However, doing so is currently associated with a performance penalty in MATCH.
  • @recurse, @fold, or @output_source may not be used at the same vertex field as @optional.
  • @output_source and @fold may not be used anywhere within a scope marked @optional.

If a given result set is unable to produce a value for a vertex field marked @optional, any fields marked @output within that vertex field return the null value.

When filtering (via @filter) or type coercion (via e.g. ... on Animal) are applied at or within a vertex field marked @optional, the @optional is given precedence:

  • If a given result set cannot produce a value for the optional vertex field, it is preserved: the @optional directive is applied first, and no filtering or type coercion can happen.
  • If a given result set is able to produce a value for the optional vertex field, the @optional does not apply, and that value is then checked against the filtering or type coercion. These subsequent operations may then cause the result set to be discarded if it does not match.

For example, suppose we have two Person vertices with names Albert and Betty such that there is a Person_Knows edge from Albert to Betty.

Then the following query:

  Person {
    out_Person_Knows @optional {
      name @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["$name"])
    name @output(out_name: "person_name")

with runtime parameter

  "name": "Charles"

would output

    { name: 'Betty' },

because the Person_Knows edge from Albert to Betty satisfies the @optional directive, but Betty doesn’t match the filter checking for a node with name Charles.

However, if no such Person_Knows edge existed from Albert, then the output would be

    { name: 'Albert' },
    { name: 'Betty' },

because no such edge can satisfy the @optional directive, and no filtering happens. In both examples, Betty is always returned because Betty does not have any outgoing Person_Knows edges.


Denotes that the value of a property field should be included in the output. Its out_name argument specifies the name of the column in which the output value should be returned.

Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")

This query returns the name of each Animal in the graph, in a column named animal_name.

Constraints and Rules

  • @output can only be applied to property fields.
  • The value provided for out_name may only consist of upper or lower case letters (A-Z, a-z), or underscores (_).
  • The value provided for out_name cannot be prefixed with ___ (three underscores). This namespace is reserved for compiler internal use.
  • For any given query, all out_name values must be unique. In other words, output columns must have unique names.

If the property field marked @output exists within a scope marked @optional, result sets that are unable to assign a value to the optional scope return the value null as the output of that property field.


Applying @fold on a scope “folds” all outputs from within that scope: rather than appearing on separate rows in the query result, the folded outputs are coalesced into parallel lists starting at the scope marked @fold.

It is also possible to output or apply filters to the number of results captured in a @fold. The _x_count meta field that is available within @fold scopes represents the number of elements in the fold, and may be filtered or output as usual. As _x_count represents a count of elements, marking it @output will produce an integer value. See the _x_count section for more details.

Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        out_Entity_Related @fold {
            ... on Location {
                _x_count @output(out_name: "location_count")
                name @output(out_name: "location_names")

Each returned row has three columns: animal_name with the name of each Animal in the graph, location_count with the related locations for that Animal, and location_names with a list of the names of all related locations of the Animal named animal_name. If a given Animal has no related locations, its location_names list is empty and the location_count value is 0.

Constraints and Rules

  • @fold can only be applied to vertex fields, except the root vertex field.
  • May not exist at the same vertex field as @recurse, @optional, or @output_source.
  • Any scope that is either marked with @fold or is nested within a @fold marked scope, may expand at most one vertex field.
  • “No no-op @fold scopes”: within any @fold scope, there must either be at least one field that is marked @output, or there must be a @filter applied to the _x_count field.
  • All @output fields within a @fold traversal must be present at the innermost scope. It is invalid to expand vertex fields within a @fold after encountering an @output directive.
  • @tag, @recurse, @optional, @output_source and @fold may not be used anywhere within a scope marked @fold.
  • The _x_count meta field may only appear at the innermost scope of a @fold marked scope.
  • Marking the _x_count meta field with an @output produces an integer value corresponding to the number of results within that fold.
  • Marking for @output any field other than the _x_count meta field produces a list of results, where the number of elements in that list is equal to the value of the _x_count meta field, if it were selected for output.
  • If multiple fields (other than _x_count) are marked @output, the resulting output lists are parallel: the ith element of each such list is the value of the corresponding field of the ith element of the @fold, for some fixed order of elements in that @fold. The order of elements within the output of a @fold is only fixed for a particular execution of a given query, for the results of a given @fold that are part of a single result set. There is no guarantee of consistent ordering of elements for the same @fold in any of the following situations:
    • across two or more result sets that are both the result of the execution of the same query;
    • across different executions of the same query, or
    • across different queries that contain the same @fold scope.
  • Use of type coercions or @filter at or within the vertex field marked @fold is allowed. The order of operations is conceptually as follows:
    • First, type coercions and filters (except @filter on the _x_count meta field) are applied, and any data that does not satisfy such coercions and filters is discarded. At this point, the size of the fold (i.e. its number of results) is fixed.
    • Then, any @filter directives on the _x_count meta field are applied, allowing filtering of result sets based on the fold size. Any result sets that do not match these filters are discarded.
    • Finally, if the result set was not discarded by the previous step, @output directives are processed, selecting folded data for output.
  • If the compiler is able to prove that a type coercion in the @fold scope is actually a no-op, it may optimize it away.


The following GraphQL is not allowed and will produce a GraphQLCompilationError. This query is invalid for two separate reasons:

  • It expands vertex fields after an @output directive (outputting animal_name)
  • The in_Animal_ParentOf scope, which is within a scope marked @fold, expands two vertex fields instead of at most one.
    Animal {
        out_Animal_ParentOf @fold {
            name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
            in_Animal_ParentOf {
                out_Animal_OfSpecies {
                    uuid @output(out_name: "species_id")
                out_Entity_Related {
                    ... on Animal {
                        name @output(out_name: "relative_name")

The following GraphQL query is similarly not allowed and will produce a GraphQLCompilationError, since the _x_count field is not within the innermost scope in the @fold.

    Animal {
        out_Animal_ParentOf @fold {
            _x_count @output(out_name: "related_count")
            out_Entity_Related {
                ... on Animal {
                    name @output(out_name: "related_name")

Moving the _x_count field to the innermost scope results in the following valid use of @fold:

    Animal {
        out_Animal_ParentOf @fold {
            out_Entity_Related {
                ... on Animal {
                    _x_count @output(out_name: "related_count")
                    name @output(out_name: "related_name")

Here is an example of query whose @fold does not output any data; it returns the names of all animals that have more than count children whose names contain the substring substr:

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        out_Animal_ParentOf @fold {
            _x_count @filter(op_name: ">=", value: ["$count"])
            name @filter(op_name: "has_substring", value: ["$substr"])


The @tag directive enables filtering based on values encountered elsewhere in the same query. Applied on a property field, it assigns a name to the value of that property field, allowing that value to then be used as part of a @filter directive.

To supply a tagged value to a @filter directive, place the tag name (prefixed with a % symbol) in the @filter’s value array. See Passing parameters for more details.

Example Use

    Animal {
        limbs @tag(tag_name: "parent_limbs")
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            limbs @filter(op_name: "<", value: ["%parent_limbs"])
            name @output(out_name: "child_name")

Each result returned by this query contains the name of an Animal who is a child of another animal and has fewer limbs than its parent.

Constraints and Rules

  • @tag can only be applied to property fields.
  • The value provided for tag_name may only consist of upper or lower case letters (A-Z, a-z), or underscores (_).
  • For any given query, all tag_name values must be unique.
  • Cannot be applied to property fields within a scope marked @fold.
  • Using a @tag and a @filter that references the tag within the same vertex is allowed, so long as the two do not appear on the exact same property field.


Allows filtering of the data to be returned, based on any of a set of filtering operations. Conceptually, it is the GraphQL equivalent of the SQL WHERE keyword.

See Supported filtering operations for details on the various types of filtering that the compiler currently supports. These operations are currently hardcoded in the compiler; in the future, we may enable the addition of custom filtering operations via compiler plugins.

Multiple @filter directives may be applied to the same field at once. Conceptually, it is as if the different @filter directives were joined by SQL AND keywords.

Using a @tag and a @filter that references the tag within the same vertex is allowed, so long as the two do not appear on the exact same property field.

Passing Parameters

The @filter directive accepts two types of parameters: runtime parameters and tagged parameters.

Runtime parameters are represented with a $ prefix (e.g. $foo), and denote parameters whose values will be known at runtime. The compiler will compile the GraphQL query leaving a spot for the value to fill at runtime. After compilation, the user will have to supply values for all runtime parameters, and their values will be inserted into the final query before it can be executed against the database.

Consider the following query:

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        color @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["$animal_color"])

It returns one row for every Animal vertex that has a color equal to $animal_color. Each row contains the animal’s name in a column named animal_name. The parameter $animal_color is a runtime parameter – the user must pass in a value (e.g. {"animal_color": "blue"}) that will be inserted into the query before querying the database.

Tagged parameters are represented with a % prefix (e.g. %foo) and denote parameters whose values are derived from a property field encountered elsewhere in the query. If the user marks a property field with a @tag directive and a suitable name, that value becomes available to use as a tagged parameter in all subsequent @filter directives.

Consider the following query:

    Animal {
        name @tag(out_name: "parent_name")
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            name @filter(op_name: "has_substring", value: ["%parent_name"])
                 @output(out_name: "child_name")

It returns the names of animals that contain their parent’s name as a substring of their own. The database captures the value of the parent animal’s name as the parent_name tag, and this value is then used as the %parent_name tagged parameter in the child animal’s @filter.

We considered and rejected the idea of allowing literal values (e.g. 123) as @filter parameters, for several reasons:

  • The GraphQL type of the @filter directive’s value field cannot reasonably encompass all the different types of arguments that people might supply. Even counting scalar types only, there’s already ID, Int, Float, Boolean, String, Date, DateTime... – way too many to include.
  • Literal values would be used when the parameter’s value is known to be fixed. We can just as easily accomplish the same thing by using a runtime parameter with a fixed value. That approach has the added benefit of potentially reducing the number of different queries that have to be compiled: two queries with different literal values would have to be compiled twice, whereas using two different sets of runtime arguments only requires the compilation of one query.
  • We were concerned about the potential for accidental misuse of literal values. SQL systems have supported stored procedures and parameterized queries for decades, and yet ad-hoc SQL query construction via simple string interpolation is still a serious problem and is the source of many SQL injection vulnerabilities. We felt that disallowing literal values in the query will drastically reduce both the use and the risks of unsafe string interpolation, at an acceptable cost.

Constraints and Rules

  • The value provided for op_name may only consist of upper or lower case letters (A-Z, a-z), or underscores (_).
  • Values provided in the value list must start with either $ (denoting a runtime parameter) or % (denoting a tagged parameter), followed by exclusively upper or lower case letters (A-Z, a-z) or underscores (_).
  • The @tag directives corresponding to any tagged parameters in a given @filter query must be applied to fields that appear either at the same vertex as the one with the @filter, or strictly before the field with the @filter directive.
  • “Can’t compare apples and oranges” – the GraphQL type of the parameters supplied to the @filter must match the GraphQL types the compiler infers based on the field the @filter is applied to.
  • If the @tag corresponding to a tagged parameter originates from within a vertex field marked @optional, the emitted code for the @filter checks if the @optional field was assigned a value. If no value was assigned to the @optional field, comparisons against the tagged parameter from within that field return True.
    • For example, assuming %from_optional originates from an @optional scope, when no value is assigned to the @optional field:
      • using @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["%from_optional"]) is equivalent to not having the filter at all;
      • using @filter(op_name: "between", value: ["$lower", "%from_optional"]) is equivalent to @filter(op_name: ">=", value: ["$lower"]).
  • Using a @tag and a @filter that references the tag within the same vertex is allowed, so long as the two do not appear on the exact same property field.


Applied to a vertex field, specifies that the edge connecting that vertex field to the current vertex should be visited repeatedly, up to depth times. The recursion always starts at depth = 0, i.e. the current vertex – see the below sections for a more thorough explanation.

Example Use

Say the user wants to fetch the names of the children and grandchildren of each Animal. That could be accomplished by running the following two queries and concatenating their results:

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "ancestor")
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            name @output(out_name: "descendant")
    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "ancestor")
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            out_Animal_ParentOf {
                name @output(out_name: "descendant")

If the user then wanted to also add great-grandchildren to the descendants output, that would require yet another query, and so on. Instead of concatenating the results of multiple queries, the user can simply use the @recurse directive. The following query returns the child and grandchild descendants:

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "ancestor")
        out_Animal_ParentOf {
            out_Animal_ParentOf @recurse(depth: 1) {
                name @output(out_name: "descendant")

Each row returned by this query contains the name of an Animal in the ancestor column and the name of its child or grandchild in the descendant column. The out_Animal_ParentOf vertex field marked @recurse is already enclosed within another out_Animal_ParentOf vertex field, so the recursion starts at the “child” level (the out_Animal_ParentOf not marked with @recurse). Therefore, the descendant column contains the names of an ancestor’s children (from depth = 0 of the recursion) and the names of its grandchildren (from depth = 1).

Recursion using this directive is possible since the types of the enclosing scope and the recursion scope work out: the @recurse directive is applied to a vertex field of type Animal and its vertex field is enclosed within a scope of type Animal. Additional cases where recursion is allowed are described in detail below.

The descendant column cannot have the name of the ancestor animal since the @recurse is already within one out_Animal_ParentOf and not at the root Animal vertex field. Similarly, it cannot have descendants that are more than two steps removed (e.g., great-grandchildren), since the depth parameter of @recurse is set to 1.

Now, let’s see what happens when we eliminate the outer out_Animal_ParentOf vertex field and simply have the @recurse applied on the out_Animal_ParentOf in the root vertex field scope:

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "ancestor")
        out_Animal_ParentOf @recurse(depth: 1) {
            name @output(out_name: "self_or_descendant")

In this case, when the recursion starts at depth = 0, the Animal within the recursion scope will be the same Animal at the root vertex field, and therefore, in the depth = 0 step of the recursion, the value of the self_or_descendant field will be equal to the value of the ancestor field.

Constraints and Rules

  • “The types must work out” – when applied within a scope of type A, to a vertex field of type B, at least one of the following must be true:
    • A is a GraphQL union;
    • B is a GraphQL interface, and A is a type that implements that interface;
    • A and B are the same type.
  • @recurse can only be applied to vertex fields other than the root vertex field of a query.
  • Cannot be used within a scope marked @optional or @fold.
  • The depth parameter of the recursion must always have a value greater than or equal to 1. Using depth = 1 produces the current vertex and its neighboring vertices along the specified edge.
  • Type coercions and @filter directives within a scope marked @recurse do not limit the recursion depth. Conceptually, recursion to the specified depth happens first, and then type coercions and @filter directives eliminate some of the locations reached by the recursion.
  • As demonstrated by the examples above, the recursion always starts at depth 0, so the recursion scope always includes the vertex at the scope that encloses the vertex field marked @recurse.


@output_source is a directive that can be used on the last vertex field in a query to reverse the order in which vertex fields are visited. Currently, its primary function is to help deal with the following known issue that occurs when compiling to gremlin. When vertex fields are visited in a certain order in a GraphQL query, the compiler returns a gremlin that does not return the complete set of results promised by the query semantics. See the example use section for more details.

Example use

a  ---->_ x
|____   /|
   / |____
  /      \/
b  ----> y

Let a, b, x, y be the values of the name property field of four vertices. Let the vertices named a and b be of type S, and let x and y be of type T. Let vertex a be connected to both x and y via directed edges of type E. Similarly, let vertex b also be connected to both x and y via directed edges of type E.

Consider the GraphQL query:

    S {
        name @output(out_name: "s_name")
        out_E {
            name @output(out_name: "t_name")

Between the data in the database and the query’s structure, it is clear that combining any of a or b with any of x or y would produce a valid result. Therefore, the complete result list, shown here in JSON format, would be:

    {"s_name": "a", "t_name": "x"},
    {"s_name": "a", "t_name": "y"},
    {"s_name": "b", "t_name": "x"},
    {"s_name": "b", "t_name": "y"},

This is precisely what the MATCH compilation target is guaranteed to produce. (MATCH is our name for the SQL dialect that OrientDB uses). However, the gremlin compilation target does not guarantee a complete result list. Querying the database using a query string generated by the gremlin compilation target will produce only a partial result list resembling the following:

    {"s_name": "a", "t_name": "x"},
    {"s_name": "b", "t_name": "x"},

Due to limitations in the underlying query language, gremlin will by default produce at most one result for each of the starting locations in the query. The above GraphQL query started at the type S, so each s_name in the returned result list is therefore distinct. Furthermore, there is no guarantee (and no way to know ahead of time) whether x or y will be returned as the t_name value in each result, as they are both valid results.

Users may apply the @output_source directive on the last scope of the query to alter this behavior:

    S {
        name @output(out_name: "s_name")
        out_E @output_source {
            name @output(out_name: "t_name")

Rather than producing at most one result for each S, the query will now produce at most one result for each distinct value that can be found at out_E, where the directive is applied:

    {"s_name": "a", "t_name": "x"},
    {"s_name": "a", "t_name": "y"},

Conceptually, applying the @output_source directive makes it as if the query were written in the opposite order:

    T {
        name @output(out_name: "t_name")
        in_E {
            name @output(out_name: "s_name")

Constraints and Rules

  • May exist at most once in any given GraphQL query.
  • Can exist only on a vertex field, and only on the last vertex field used in the query.
  • Cannot be used within a scope marked @optional or @fold.

Supported filtering operations

Comparison operators

Supported comparison operators:

  • Equal to: =
  • Not equal to: !=
  • Greater than: >
  • Less than: <
  • Greater than or equal to: >=
  • Less than or equal to: <=

Example Use

Equal to (=):
    Species {
        name @filter(op_name: "=", value: ["$species_name"])
        uuid @output(out_name: "species_uuid")

This returns one row for every Species whose name is equal to the value of the $species_name parameter. Each row contains the uuid of the Species in a column named species_uuid.

Greater than or equal to (>=):
    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "name")
        birthday @output(out_name: "birthday")
                 @filter(op_name: ">=", value: ["$point_in_time"])

This returns one row for every Animal vertex that was born after or on a $point_in_time. Each row contains the animal’s name and birthday in columns named name and birthday, respectively.

Constraints and Rules

  • All comparison operators must be on a property field.


Allows you to filter on vertices which contain the exact string $wanted_name_or_alias in their name or alias fields.

Example Use

    Animal @filter(op_name: "name_or_alias", value: ["$wanted_name_or_alias"]) {
        name @output(out_name: "name")

This returns one row for every Animal vertex whose name and/or alias is equal to $wanted_name_or_alias. Each row contains the animal’s name in a column named name.

The value provided for $wanted_name_or_alias must be the full name and/or alias of the Animal. Substrings will not be matched.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a vertex field that has name and alias properties.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "name")
        birthday @filter(op_name: "between", value: ["$lower", "$upper"])
                 @output(out_name: "birthday")

This returns:

  • One row for every Animal vertex whose birthday is in between $lower and $upper dates (inclusive). Each row contains the animal’s name in a column named name.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field.
  • The lower and upper bounds represent an inclusive interval, which means that the output may contain values that match them exactly.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        color @output(out_name: "color")
              @filter(op_name: "in_collection", value: ["$colors"])

This returns one row for every Animal vertex which has a color contained in a list of colors. Each row contains the Animal’s name and color in columns named animal_name and color, respectively.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field that is not of list type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        color @output(out_name: "color")
              @filter(op_name: "not_in_collection", value: ["$colors"])

This returns one row for every Animal vertex which has a color not contained in a list of colors. Each row contains the Animal’s name and color in columns named animal_name and color, respectively.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field that is not of list type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @filter(op_name: "has_substring", value: ["$substring"])
             @output(out_name: "animal_name")

This returns one row for every Animal vertex whose name contains the value supplied for the $substring parameter. Each row contains the matching Animal’s name in a column named animal_name.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field of string type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @filter(op_name: "starts_with", value: ["$prefix"])
             @output(out_name: "animal_name")

This returns one row for every Animal vertex whose name starts with the value supplied for the $prefix parameter. Each row contains the matching Animal’s name in a column named animal_name.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field of string type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @filter(op_name: "ends_with", value: ["$suffix"])
             @output(out_name: "animal_name")

This returns one row for every Animal vertex whose name ends with the value supplied for the $suffix parameter. Each row contains the matching Animal’s name in a column named animal_name.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field of string type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        alias @filter(op_name: "contains", value: ["$wanted"])
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")

This returns one row for every Animal vertex whose list of aliases contains the value supplied for the $wanted parameter. Each row contains the matching Animal’s name in a column named animal_name.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field of list type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        alias @filter(op_name: "not_contains", value: ["$wanted"])
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")

This returns one row for every Animal vertex whose list of aliases does not contain the value supplied for the $wanted parameter. Each row contains the matching Animal’s name in a column named animal_name.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field of list type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        alias @filter(op_name: "intersects", value: ["$wanted"])
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")

This returns one row for every Animal vertex whose list of aliases has a non-empty intersection with the list of values supplied for the $wanted parameter. Each row contains the matching Animal’s name in a column named animal_name.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a property field of list type.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        out_Animal_ParentOf @filter(op_name: "has_edge_degree", value: ["$child_count"]) @optional {

This returns one row for every Animal vertex that has exactly $child_count children (i.e. where the out_Animal_ParentOf edge appears exactly $child_count times). Each row contains the matching Animal’s name, in a column named animal_name.

The uuid field within the out_Animal_ParentOf vertex field is added simply to satisfy the GraphQL syntax rule that requires at least one field to exist within any {}. Since this field is not marked with any directive, it has no effect on the query.

N.B.: Please note the @optional directive on the vertex field being filtered above. If in your use case you expect to set $child_count to 0, you must also mark that vertex field @optional. Recall that absence of @optional implies that at least one such edge must exist. If the has_edge_degree filter is used with a parameter set to 0, that requires the edge to not exist. Therefore, if the @optional is not present in this situation, no valid result sets can be produced, and the resulting query will return no results.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be on a vertex field that is not the root vertex of the query.
  • Tagged values are not supported as parameters for this filter.
  • If the runtime parameter for this operator can be 0, it is strongly recommended to also apply @optional to the vertex field being filtered (see N.B. above for details).


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        color @filter(op_name: "is_null")

This returns one row for every Animal that does not have a color defined.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be applied on a property field.
  • value must either not appear in the filter (shown in the example) or be an empty list.


Example Use

    Animal {
        name @output(out_name: "animal_name")
        color @filter(op_name: "is_not_null")

This returns one row for every Animal that has a color defined.

Constraints and Rules

  • Must be applied on a property field.
  • value must either not appear in the filter (shown in the example) or be an empty list.